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Optum Idaho
322 E Front Street, Ste 400
Boise, ID 83702

Número Gratuito para Preguntas de los Miembros:
(855) 202-0973

Preguntas Clínicas de los Proveedores:
(855) 202-0983
Para hacer Consultas Psiquiátricas, los Proveedores de Cuidado deben presionar la opción 1

Nacional de Prevención del Suicido
(800) 273-8255


Network Providers, welcome to the Optum Idaho web site. The services we offer on this site will support providers in assisting consumers, their loved ones and their families to achieve and maintain recovery. We understand and applaud your commitment to the behavioral needs of Idaho residents and families. Optum will help you ensure positive outcomes and well-being in individuals.

Working together, we'll provide information and methodology to help our members successfully navigate though the complex treatment process from the point of diagnosis. We will identify each member's unique behavioral health needs. Connect them to the right services to address those needs. Deliver the right care, at the right pace, at the right time. This includes helping people manage their behavioral health and wellness challenges. We believe people with behavioral health challenges are able to live, work and participate productively in their communities. We believe they are able to do this despite the challenges. We also believe people are resilient and able to rebound from trauma, stigma and other stresses.

With more resources come more opportunities to contribute to the richness of lives of Idahoans. We would like to hear from you. Please use our Contact Us page to share your thoughts and opinions

¡Siempre encontrará ayuda! Hay profesionales clínicos disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, incluidos los días festivos, para brindarle apoyo inmediato y oportuno, así como intervención y estabilización de crisis. Llámenos al 1 (855) 202-0973.